Concrete Scan

  • Let RMA GeoScience reveal what your concrete may be hiding.
  • When you cut, drill, or dig, you’re not looking for surprises.

Concrete covers many structural elements you don’t want to encounter with a jackhammer. If your next building project involves existing concrete, it should also involve concrete scanning. RMA GeoScience’s concrete scanning services provide a non-invasive way to assess what’s in or beneath concrete surfaces before construction or demolition begins.

mountain white


What exactly is concrete scanning?

Think of it as x-ray vision for cement. Using ground penetrating radar, concrete scanning discloses materials or gaps in concrete slabs – invaluable information to have before beginning any work– such as drilling, cutting, or coring – that might jeopardize concrete integrity.

What can concrete scanning show?

Concrete scanning can identify electrical wiring, utility cables, rebar, and voids. It’s also used for slab size and rebar spacing measurement.

Why is it important to scan concrete?

In a word, safety. A concrete scan allows you to see the location and orientation of significant components inside the concrete, essentially providing work crews with a map of what to avoid when performing invasive work. Cutting into rebar can severely compromise concrete strength, and potentially collapse buildings. And damage to electrical and utility lines – many of which are unmarked in older structures – presents a serious electrocution risk. More practically, hitting and damaging structural and utility elements can result not only in costly repairs, but costly delays.

How does concrete scanning work?

RMA GeoScience uses the most advanced ground penetrating radar technology available. Our radar equipment sends signals into slabs, columns, walls, decks, roadways, tunnels, encasements, and other structures. That radar returns the signal in different patterns that indicate the type, depth and orientation of objects and voids. Concrete scanning also works on vertical surfaces and ceilings.

How long does it take to receive concrete scan reports?

Turnaround can vary by site, but RMA GeoScience’s expert technicians can often gather data and prepare detailed reports and recommendations on-site within minutes.

Concrete scanning saves money, time, and lives?

RMA GeoScience delivers advanced, detailed concrete scanning and fast, reliable reporting. We provide clients the confidence that comes with knowing exactly what lies beneath the surface of their next project.


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RMA GeoScience Concrete Scanning Services

  • Subsurface exploration
  • Construction recommendations
  • Dams, levees, and embankments
  • Earth retaining structures
  • Foundation engineering, excavation analysis and design
  • Geophysical and surveying services
  • Geotechnical exploration and instrumentation
  • Groundwater evaluation
  • In-situ testing
  • Laboratory testing
  • Pavement design and analysis
  • Seismic evaluations
  • Slope stability analysis
  • Soil-structure interaction evaluations
  • Soil, rock sampling and testing
  • Test boring and analysis



  • Let RMA GeoScience reveal what your concrete may be hiding.
  • When you cut, drill, or dig, you’re not looking for surprises.

Concrete covers many structural elements you don’t want to encounter with a jackhammer. If your next building project involves existing concrete, it should also involve concrete scanning. RMA GeoScience’ concrete scanning services provide a non-invasive way to assess what’s in or beneath concrete surfaces before construction or demolition begins.

mountain white


What exactly is concrete scanning?

Think of it as x-ray vision for cement. Using ground penetrating radar, concrete scanning discloses materials or gaps in concrete slabs – invaluable information to have before beginning any work– such as drilling, cutting, or coring – that might jeopardize concrete integrity.

What can concrete scanning show?

Concrete scanning can identify electrical wiring, utility cables, rebar, and voids. It’s also used for slab size and rebar spacing measurement.

Why is it important to scan concrete?

In a word, safety. A concrete scan allows you to see the location and orientation of significant components inside the concrete, essentially providing work crews with a map of what to avoid when performing invasive work. Cutting into rebar can severely compromise concrete strength, and potentially collapse buildings. And damage to electrical and utility lines – many of which are unmarked in older structures – presents a serious electrocution risk. More practically, hitting and damaging structural and utility elements can result not only in costly repairs, but costly delays.

How does concrete scanning work?

RMA GeoScience uses the most advanced ground penetrating radar technology available. Our radar equipment sends signals into slabs, columns, walls, decks, roadways, tunnels, encasements, and other structures. That radar returns the signal in different patterns that indicate the type, depth and orientation of objects and voids. Concrete scanning also works on vertical surfaces and ceilings.

How long does it take to receive concrete scan reports?

Turnaround can vary by site, but RMA GeoScience’ expert technicians can often gather data and prepare detailed reports and recommendations on-site within minutes.

Concrete scanning saves money, time, and lives?

RMA GeoScience delivers advanced, detailed concrete scanning and fast, reliable reporting. We provide clients the confidence that comes with knowing exactly what lies beneath the surface of their next project.